Friday, May 1, 2009

30 Miles on Sunday?

So the weekend is fast approaching, and the 300 Miles team (at least the portion of it that lives in Ithaca) is excited to hit the roads and trails for more practice walking. Unfortunately, Zoe has to work tomorrow, but Jenn and I (and hopefully Robyn) will be doing our non-specific walk tomorrow. That means we'll be starting at 8 o'clock and walking till we run out of gas. The goal is just to log time on our feet, so we won't be keeping track of time or mileage. On the plus side, that means we can walk in any direction we want, and maybe even work in a few errands along the way. On Sunday, with Zoe back on board, we'll be aiming to do our ten mile loop three times - i.e. 30 miles! I don't know if our feet can take it, but stay tuned for the gorey details on Monday!

Also, I have an appeal. Please, keep spreading the word loyal readers! As of this moment, our fundraiser has reached $1526, not counting the $500 match that has been generously put up by Rory Freedman (thank you Rory!). That's huge progress! But don't let the ball drop with your own donation. Tell your friends! Tell your family! If we are going to really meet our goal and make a difference for Chuck and Jen, it has to be a team effort. Not a team of 4 or 5 or 20 or 50, but a team of hundreds! Friends of friends of friends! If you are reading this, I officially deputize you as a member of the 300 Miles Fundraiser Team; go forth and help your team succeed!

1 comment:

  1. Very true - thanks, Casey! We really must keep building momentum. Soon I'll be sending press releases about Chuck, our walk - the route and itinerary, and ways to help to papers along our route, to other AR orgs, NPR, local radio stations, and much, much more. Please help however you can too! Whether that is posting on your own blog, telling your friends, telling your friends to post on their blogs...and make sure that if you are coming to the blogs for the first time to become a follower with your email address. Thanks everyone for everything you have done so far! We are 30 followers strong at the moment, the walk team has the first 20 miles under our belt, and we must keep pushing forward. Our goal is $25,000 - and believe that Chuck and Jen are going to need it - and we have a long way to go. Get out your checkbooks, get your friends to pull out theirs. Match your friends' donations, go ahead and just this one time start an email chain (but just this once - those are annoying), and make sure to give Chuck some encouragement at

    Thanks again!!



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